Saturday, January 23, 2016

What is Marriage?

This past week I’ve learned so much about the definition of marriage. Obviously, within our world today, the “idea” of marriage is being re-defined by governments, political groups, and individuals. However, no amount of earthly rearranging of the dictionary will change eternal truths. In the article “The Attack on Marriage as the Union of a Man and a Woman” Lynn D. Wardle tells of a story attributed to Abraham Lincoln. “He is said to have once asked how many legs a dog would have if you counted a tail as a leg. To the response ‘five legs,’ Lincoln said, ‘No; calling a tail a leg doesn’t make it a leg.’” So then that poses the question – what is marriage?
To me, marriage is much more than just a contractual agreement or an emotional support. Marriage is not merely a piece of paper or extra benefits on your taxes. Marriage is much more than just a way of life or a status of living. Marriage is a covenant – or reciprocal promise – made between two people and their Creator. It is a commitment to forget oneself, to show true Christ-like love – or charity – to another every day. It is a heightened awareness of our responsibility to watch out for and help one another. It is the best possible way we can be prepared to become one with all of God’s children. It is the beginning of a family; the partnership that the Lord has established for His eternal purpose and plan to allow His children to experience earth life and to learn of His Gospel. "The fundamental purposes of this life remain the same as they have always been - to receive a body, to believe in Christ, to progress spiritually, and to form an eternal marriage and family." (Hawkins, et al p 13) "Successful Marriages and Families" goes on to say, "Birth into a family was the way God chose to send His spirit children to earth. Marriage and family relationships are the central means He has prepared to achieve His purposes." (p 340) This can only be done through the union of a man and a woman as husband and wife. No other combination – as great as the two may be – can provide life for God’s children.  
I understand that not everyone has the same religious view of marriage as I do. If testimony and faith just don’t cut it for you, there is plenty of earthy evidence to show that the most ideal setting for the development of children is within a traditional family with a father and mother married as husband and wife. David Popenoe is quoted in “The Divine Institution of Marriage” as saying, “The burden of social science evidence supports the idea that gender differentiated parenting is important for human development and that the contribution of fathers to child rearing is unique and irreplaceable… The complementarity of male and female parenting styles is striking and of enormous importance to a child’s overall development.” There is no denying it – men and women are different. These differences complement each other as they are used to aid in the development of children.
There is a great need in our world today to align our definition of marriage to what the Lord has always defined marriage as. “The Family: A Proclamation to the World” states, “Marriage between man and woman is ordained of God.” No amount of social propaganda or political campaigning can change that.

“The Attack on Marriage as the Union of a Man and a Woman”
“The Divine Institution of Marriage”
“The Family: A Proclamation to the World”

Hawkins, et al (2012). Successful marriages and families: Proclamation principles and research perspectives. Provo, Utah: BYU Studies and School of Family Life.

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